Monday, March 28, 2011

Tess gallagher Red poppy vs Black valentine

The first poem black valntine to me was a nice way to describe the way the poet hides fear to save pleasure(9). the poet speaks of cutting a males hair for eleven years (7) but this being the last time (8). After reading lines (22-24) I have gathered the person who hair she is cutting is probably very sick and near death. I think it was really sweet how Gallagher choose to end the poem with a joke they were used to  (25-27) this for me made the poem very personal. second I read the poem Red poppy which very much seemed to be a continuation of the first poem. The poem starts off with what seemed to be estimations of death (1-3). The poet seemed to have compared the mans life to a poppy flower. The last few lines (24-30) were the description of her loved ones death. It was very dramatic how she went on to explain how she had to kiss him to be sure it was the end (24-25).  I am a big fan of how dramatic Gallagher ends off her poems.  Death is a very interesting thing for a poet to write about simply because its the one thing everybody on earth cant relate to because we all must die. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Facing it" by Yusef Komunyakaa

The poet makes it clear that he is in the Vietnam's veteran memorial (11).
He is standing in front of the list of names in which he expects to find his own (14-16).
To me the poet is having flashbacks of the actual  Vietnam war as he stands in the memorial. As he goes down the list of names he recognizes some of them and relives the moment these people died.
He constantly is going in and out of memories he had. His attention is put to the sky when he sees a red bird. He thinks of a plane in vietnam then remembers a white man with pale eyes who has lost his arm(22-28).The last few lines to me was like a point of realization. He is pulled out of the trance of being in. At fist he thought he was seeing the women erasing names but then realize she was just brushing a boys hair. This is probably what was really happening at that time (29-31).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop

First off i would like to say that this poem was one of the most descriptive and detailed poems i have ever read.  From the beginning to the end the fisher in the poem admired what he/she called a tremendous fish (1). As the fisher held the large fish up to the boat they notice the fish didnt fight at all (6) this was interesting to me for the simple fact that fish usually panic when out of water. The way the poet described the body and imagined the insides was amazing. The poet really was fascinated by this fish. When the poet went on to describe the hooks latched onto the side of the big fishes mouth (52-55) I kno that fisher felt good knowing they had caught a fish that had once got away. I feel this is why the fisher decided to let the fish go (76).